Saturday 31 May 2014

ايران Iran : هشدار نسبت به اعدام قريب الوقوع غلامرضا خسروي پس از تحمل 12 سال زندان

غلامرضا خسروي ساعاتي قبل به سلولهاي انفرادي زندان گوهردشت منتقل شد
·        فراخوان به ملل متحد، آمريكا، اروپا و مدافعان حقوق بشر براي جلوگيري از اعدام غلامرضا خسروي
ساعاتي پيش  زنداني سياسي غلامرضا خسروي،  براي اجراي حكم اعدام به سلولهاي انفرادي زندان گوهردشت منتقل شد. غلامرضا خسروي كه تا كنون جمعا 12 سال از زندگي اش را در سياهچالهاي رژيم آخوندي به سر برده صبح روز چهارشنبه 7 خرداد، از بند 350 زندان اوين به دايره اجراي احكام اين زندان منتقل شد. مزدور مؤمني از سردژخيمان اوين او را به خاطر  نقش مؤثر در مقاومت زندانيان بند 350 مورد تهديد قرار داد.  او متعاقباً با دستان و پاهايي در زنجير  به قرنطينه زندان گوهردشت فرستاده شد.
دژخيمان در حمله وحشيانه 28 فروردين به بند 350 اوين غلامرضا را با كينه وسبعيت خاصي مورد ضرب و شتم قرار داده و مجروح كردند و با بدني خونين و كبود و در حاليكه از ناحيه سر و صورت زخمي و گوش راستش پاره شده بود، به انفرادي بند 240 منتقل شد. او به رغم وخامت حالش همراه با ديگر زندانيان دست به اعتصاب غذا زد كه به مدت 23روز و تا بازگشت به بند 350 ادامه يافت. شكنجه گران اوين برغم وخامت حال او از كمترين رسيدگي درماني به وي خودداري كردند. رضا سراج يكي از سردژخيمان اطلاعات با نام مستعار علوي  در جريان حمله به بند 350 غلامرضا را تهديد كرد كه حكم اعدامش را به زودي اجرا خواهد كرد. وي همچنين بستگان او را تهديد كرده بود كه در صورت ملاقات با هر هيأت خارجي باز

داشت شده و با حكمهاي سنگيني مواجه خواهند گرديد.
مقاومت ايران نسبت به اعدام قريب الوقوع اين زنداني سياسي هشدار ميدهد و از جامعه جهاني به ويژه اتحاديه اروپا، دولت آمريكا و دبيركل، كميسر عالي حقوق بشر و گزارشگران ذيربط ملل متحد و عموم سازمانها و جوامع مدافع حقوق بشر و مدافعان كارگران خواستار يك اقدام فوري و مؤثر براي توقف اين اقدام جنايتكارانه است.
دبيرخانه شوراي ملي مقاومت ايران
10خرداد 1393 (31مه 2014)
سابقه: غلامرضا خسروي 49ساله، اهل آبادان، پدر يك فرزند، كارگر جوشكار، در 2 ارديبهشت 91 به اتهام آخوند ساخته «محاربه» به اعدام محكوم شد. او از زندانيان سياسي دهه 60 است كه در سن 16سالگي به خاطر هواداري از مجاهدين متحمل 5سال زندان در كازرون شد. وي بار ديگر در سال  86 دستگير شد و محروم از كمترين روند عادلانه حقوقي به شش سال حبس محكوم گرديد. دستگاه قضاييه آخوندي در سال 89، در حالي كه تنها دو سال از حبس او باقي مانده بود،  او را به خاطر كمك مالي به مجاهدين دوباره محاكمه و به اتهام «محاربه» به اعدام محكوم كردند. رژيم آخوندي او را بارها براي گرفتن اعترافات اجباري تلويزيوني تحت شكنجه قرار داد. وي كه اكنون هشت سال از اسارتش مي گذرد،  جمعاً بيش از 40ماه را در سلولهای انفرادی و در شرايطي بسيار دشوار به سر برده است.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Criminals Are Now Allowed to Probe Their Own Crimes, even in Iraq

 Article by:

Paymaneh Mirshafei

US-UN Silence over Ashraf massacre
The Middle East is riddled with strange and rather unpredictable episodes. But this one sure is one of the top ones. On September 1, Iraqi special operations forces, at the behest of the Iranian regime, entered Camp Asharf, home of Iranian dissidents in Iraq and shot dead 52 unarmed and defenseless refugees who were all ‘Protected Persons’ under the 4th Geneva Convention.
Most victims were handcuffed, identified and then executed with a bullet in the head. They took seven of the residents, six women and one man as hostage. 

Friday 20 July 2012

UN-US –MEK: Good License to Kill

Egyptian parliament majority and 4000 EU lawmakers condemn US-UN debacle in handling Camp Liberty brewing crisis.
Camouflaged siege by Iraqi forces of refugee Camp; dehydration in sky-high temperatures; blocking basic needs of residents condemned in report by committee of 4000 lawmakers to UN Security Council.
After the recent mediatic bravado by the US State department that conditioned its belated legal obligation to the evacuation of a refugee Camp in Diyala province of Iraq, the situation has evolved into a humanitarian time bomb.
A committee of 4000 European lawmakers issued a report to the Security Council on the escalating humanitarian crisis in two Camps that house members of the pro-democracy opposition to Tehran, MEK.
The report which has been prepared in 10 sections, after reviewing the events in the past three months in two camps of Ashraf and Liberty, presents urgent and necessary requirements for the conclusion of relocation of the residents to Liberty in 10 and 5 articles respectively to the Security Council and while appealing for the Councils’ support.

UN-US –MEK: Good License to Kill

Egyptian parliament majority and 4000 EU lawmakers condemn US-UN debacle in handling Camp Liberty brewing crisis.
Camouflaged siege by Iraqi forces of refugee Camp; dehydration in sky-high temperatures; blocking basic needs of residents condemned in report by committee of 4000 lawmakers to UN Security Council.
After the recent mediatic bravado by the US State department that conditioned its belated legal obligation to the evacuation of a refugee Camp in Diyala province of Iraq, the situation has evolved into a humanitarian time bomb.
A committee of 4000 European lawmakers issued a report to the Security Council on the escalating humanitarian crisis in two Camps that house members of the pro-democracy opposition to Tehran, MEK.
The report which has been prepared in 10 sections, after reviewing the events in the past three months in two camps of Ashraf and Liberty, presents urgent and necessary requirements for the conclusion of relocation of the residents to Liberty in 10 and 5 articles respectively to the Security Council and while appealing for the Councils’ support.

Great Annual Gathering in Support of Camp Ashraf

• International gathering with presence of tens of thousands of Iranians and others in support of Camp Ashraf residents in Villepinte, near Paris, on Saturday, June 18 • Hundreds of prominent figures and dignitaries from five continents will participate • Call for immediate protection of Ashraf residents and offer of a permanent solution for Ashraf to the UN, US and EU The crisis in Camp Ashraf, where 3400 members of Iranian opposition are besieged, is deepening and attempts to find a solution have evolved into a pressing issue on both sides of Atlantic. Therefore, in a massive international event in Paris on Saturday, June 18, to be attended by tens of thousands of Iranians, members of the US Congress, parliamentary delegations from various EU member states and Arab countries, and scores of senior officials in the Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations will call for urgent measures by the UN, US and EU to protect Ashraf residents. Dozens of international dignitaries and former senior US officials will urge the US President, UN Secretary General and the EU High Representative to offer a long-term and peaceful solution to the Ashraf crisis, it was announced in a press briefing on the verge of this international event. The participants, while calling for an end to any appeasement of Iran’s clerical regime, will ask for adoption of the policy of regime change vis-à-vis the clerical regime and recognition of the Iranian Resistance.
. Date & Time: Saturday, June 18, 2011, at 3:30 pm Venue: Parc des Expositions de Paris-Nord-Villepinte, 93420 Villepinte French Committee for Secular and Democratic Iran Background information: On April 8, on the orders of Prime Minister Nouri-al-Maliki and at the behest of the Iranian regime, Iraqi forces massacred Ashraf residents, who are protected persons under Fourth Geneva Convention, killing 35 residents, and wounding 350. Iraqi military forces are still inside Ashraf, with one-third of the camp currently under Iraqi military occupation. The gathering on June 18 takes place eight years after the raid on the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on June 17, 2003, in which 164 Iranian dissidents who are political refugees in France were arrested. Recently, the French judges officially annulled terror charges against officials and recognized that the PMOI (People’s Mujahedin of Iran) members are not terrorists but rather are members of a legitimate resistance. A majority of members of the French National Assembly recently signed a declaration recognizing the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Activists working for the Great Gathering ?Iran..UK..Belgium..

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