Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Framing The Core Issue: MEK Court Appeal Against US State Department

By Sadegh Sistani, on March 27th, 2012

Foreign Policy is putting out cheap journalism by Josh Rogin demonizing the Iranian opposition.
Josh Rogins’ mystery series in Foreign Policy, with a recent one titled “Terrorist group's supporters throw party in U.S. Congress |”repeat the Iranian regime’s stale allegations against the main organized opposition group People’s Mujahedin of Iran (MEK) and do a disservice to the Foreign Policy’s record of unbiased journalism. They are part of an effort by Iran’s intelligence ministry to demonize the supporters of the Iranian resistance.
Some 22 courts in the UK, Europe and the US have ruled that the MEK is not involved in terrorism; furthermore, the European Union de-proscribed the group in 2009 after the courts rejected the very allegations that the articles have yet again brought up.
The piece represents a desperate, albeit futile attempt to block, in contravention of the Rule of law and the statutory requirements, the removal of the MEK from the State Department’s list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).
Rogins’ shedding of crocodile tears for Justice over crime, appears disingenuous given the absence of a mere criticism, let alone condemnation, of the Ayatollahs vicious collective hangings ongoing and the last two blood lead attacks on the victims of an “inhumane massacre in Camp Ashraf.”
As far as his concern for complications provided for US MEK supporters in “providing material” support is concerned, Mr. Rogin does not have a clue what these “material” supports are in the legal context and conceals his ignorance by assuming it may include “advocacy”.
In a previous reply to similar salivated suggestions Former Trustee of President Bush and High judge Michael Mukasey had this to add:
Suggestions that our conduct raises a question under the material-support statute is undone by the text of the law itself. The statute barring material assistance to organizations on the State Department’s list of foreign terrorist organizations (“FTO”) says that although “material assistance” includes “personnel,” and although “personnel” may include the person providing the assistance — here, the four of us — the “personnel” have to be working “under that [FTO’s] direction or control.” And then, just to make explicit what is already obvious, the law continues: “Individuals who act entirely independently of the [FTO] to advance its goals or objectives shall not be considered to be working under the [FTO]’s direction and control.” As a result, we felt quite secure, thank you, in relying on the protection Congress placed in the statute, backed up by the First Amendment.

As far as Rogins mystery series are concerned “Things are not what they appear to be”.
This hypothesis mediated by Mr. Rogin is to lure readers into anti-MEK sentiments. Thereafter; the wave of sentiments and the “much ado about nothing” would cleverly cover US – UNAMI dogged obligations in face of any humanitarian tragedy for the 3400 of Camp Ashraf.
It would be a far more “crime” to accomplice readers into a “Crime against Humanity” and “sin” than any alleged financial controversy.
The main issue which is being submerged under this entire anti-MEK blitz is that the Washington appeals court on Monday gave the US government until March 26 to examine quickly a request by the main Iranian opposition group to be taken off a US terror blacklist, which is causing immediate threat and deaths to their families and members.

In a conference recently Governor Tom Ridge had this to say:
“You will not silence us. Whoever is responsible has a moment of quiet reflection, I suggest that they just take a look at the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, and particularly take a look at that first amendment. It’s called freedom of speech, the same freedom of speech that the men and women of MEK aspire to under the leadership of Mrs. Rajavi, the same freedom of speech that democratic opposition throughout Iran aspire to. at the end of the day we will continue to stand on the right side of history with the people of MEK, the freedom-loving people of MEK at Liberty and Ashraf until they are resettled.
Mayor Rudi Giuliani reacted to the hsosh posh of the “treasurey” hunt :
“Speaking for myself and so many of my colleagues, that anonymous, cowardly sources in the State Department or elsewhere who unknowingly are doing the bidding of the mullahs don’t frighten me, won’t stop me, won’t stop any of us, ever.”
Former High Judge Michael Mukasey also commented on the “anonymous” comments recently used in mysterious press campaigns:
“It’s a funny thing about anonymous sources, what are they afraid of? They must be afraid of something. They’re afraid to have their names used. Look at the timing. The MEK tells the State Department and the Justice Department, “You know, you’ve been dragging your feet long enough with this designation. We’re going to go into court.” They gave them not only advanced notice that they’re going to do it, they gave them an advanced copy of the papers they were going to file. And they disclosed the names of the people. Mayor Giuliani, Tom Ridge, others, many others, who would have also filed paper in court as friends of the court, telling them on the basis of our experience and our knowledge—many people on that brief directly involved in national security affairs—that there is no basis, no reason for that designation. They were told that in advance. And lo and behold a couple days later subpoenas get served on the speaker agencies that send those people out to express their views.”

To be used or allowed to mislead the public into bogus issues in order to cover the main highlight is unethical and unprincipled modus operandi by Foreign Policy, which boasts of “FP's award-winnings” only, serves to pave the way for another massacre of the residents in satisfaction of the Iranian clerical fascists.


Sin : http://news.yahoo.com/bipartisan-political-leaders-urge-removal-mek-terrorist-list-043208692.html

Washington Appeal Court : http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5jst73NnEgd_19BuKsuM85Ag1OBYg
Michael Mukasey: http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/256689/mek-not-terrorist-group-michael-b-mukasey-tom-ridge-and-frances-fragos-townsend

Gov.Tom Ridge: http://www.ncr-iran.org/en/news/ashraf/11831-governor-tom-ridge-we-cant-be-silenced-

Mayor Giuliani : http://www.ncr-iran.org/en/news/ashraf/11830-mayor-rudi-giuliani-anonymous-cowardly-sources-who-unknowingly-are-doing-the-bidding-of-the-mullahs-dont-frighten-me-

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Great Annual Gathering in Support of Camp Ashraf

• International gathering with presence of tens of thousands of Iranians and others in support of Camp Ashraf residents in Villepinte, near Paris, on Saturday, June 18 • Hundreds of prominent figures and dignitaries from five continents will participate • Call for immediate protection of Ashraf residents and offer of a permanent solution for Ashraf to the UN, US and EU The crisis in Camp Ashraf, where 3400 members of Iranian opposition are besieged, is deepening and attempts to find a solution have evolved into a pressing issue on both sides of Atlantic. Therefore, in a massive international event in Paris on Saturday, June 18, to be attended by tens of thousands of Iranians, members of the US Congress, parliamentary delegations from various EU member states and Arab countries, and scores of senior officials in the Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations will call for urgent measures by the UN, US and EU to protect Ashraf residents. Dozens of international dignitaries and former senior US officials will urge the US President, UN Secretary General and the EU High Representative to offer a long-term and peaceful solution to the Ashraf crisis, it was announced in a press briefing on the verge of this international event. The participants, while calling for an end to any appeasement of Iran’s clerical regime, will ask for adoption of the policy of regime change vis-à-vis the clerical regime and recognition of the Iranian Resistance.
. Date & Time: Saturday, June 18, 2011, at 3:30 pm Venue: Parc des Expositions de Paris-Nord-Villepinte, 93420 Villepinte French Committee for Secular and Democratic Iran Background information: On April 8, on the orders of Prime Minister Nouri-al-Maliki and at the behest of the Iranian regime, Iraqi forces massacred Ashraf residents, who are protected persons under Fourth Geneva Convention, killing 35 residents, and wounding 350. Iraqi military forces are still inside Ashraf, with one-third of the camp currently under Iraqi military occupation. The gathering on June 18 takes place eight years after the raid on the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on June 17, 2003, in which 164 Iranian dissidents who are political refugees in France were arrested. Recently, the French judges officially annulled terror charges against officials and recognized that the PMOI (People’s Mujahedin of Iran) members are not terrorists but rather are members of a legitimate resistance. A majority of members of the French National Assembly recently signed a declaration recognizing the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Activists working for the Great Gathering ?Iran..UK..Belgium..

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