Wednesday, 4 April 2012

When Right Prevails in US, It Will Prevail in Iran

By: Mahin Saremi
Mahin Saremi : former political prisoner who escaped from Iran last year, one of the active organizers of the 2009 protests in Iran and activist has recently entered the realm of freelance writers. Her articles have been published since she escaped from Iran.

State Department Foot-dragging to Delist MEK
Is Unlawful

Charles Montesquieu once said: “There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”

In the case of the US State department and Obama Administration, this extraordinary simple quotation has become an inverted ideology.
Rights” founded by Americas forefathers are deliberately neglected because of delusional overestimation of the Iranian cleric’s threat prompted by pro-Iranian pundits.
The first “Right” in the American Revolution was the right to fight for Independence and democracy. No one was tagged as terrorist and no group was enchained, demonised or terrorized for fighting for “democracy." On the contrary, it was an eternal obligation towards humanitarian rights not to refuse help, if given the chance to fight alongside those who strived for these Rights.
Resistance movements have shared a major concept throughout history; the need to be free and chose a Democracy. This becomes an existential need, when there is a blood-stained theocracy unbridled and in a clash with humanity.
The story of the Iranian resistance is the anatomy for “righteousness versus wickedness."
The right to life which a “resistance movement” strives to protect is the bridge between integrity and corruption for every individual regardless of background.

“In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so”
Immanuel Kant

The concept of “innocent before proven guilty” has long been buried in the grounds of immorality that prevail in current smear campaigns waged by Washington against Tehran’s main opposition; MEK.

MEK serves as the litmus test for all. It is the “bridge” and a passageway through which one can swiftly transcend from integrity to corruption.

Regime change is the core argument against the MEK. The bashing and hideous fouling campaigns all aim to pacify this resistance movement.
The landmark for all those claiming for “rights” and “peace” is: Are you with the MEK or the with the Mullahs?

The processions of political decisions taken to keep the main pro-democracy movement of Iran (MEK) prove it to be highly politicised than legal;

-Secretary Rice made the decision at the end of the Bush administration to keep the PMOI on the list, in the hope that the incoming administration would be able to have negotiations with the ayatollahs. This policy has failed up to date.
- Secretary Clinton said just a few weeks ago that the MEK’s handling of the transfer of the residents of Camp Ashraf to Camp Liberty would affect the State Department’s decision on the listing on the foreign terrorist organization list.
- For years, MEK families and affiliates have been persecuted, tortures and killed by the pretext provided for the mullahs in Iran through the US black list.
- The fatal slip in policy by the US administration has resulted in providing the ayatollahs ample time to build their terrorist networks; enhance the nuclear arsenal; engage in repugnant human right violations in Syria and the Middle East; kill and massacre the Iranian people while crushing uprisings. Enchaining the main opposition to the mullahs has emboldened a vile and irrational theocratic fascism in the region and the world.
- There is no legal, moral or ethical basis for keeping the MEK in the list and withholding the Iranian people from the chance of acquiring freedom and democracy.

As Louis Freeh recently said:
“In Washington if people wanted to leak information about the justification, such as it is, for keeping the PMOI on the list, they would do it. The information would be out in the public record. But there have been no such leaks. There’s no factual basis for this designation. It should be lifted.”

Ambassador Bolton recently in a Paris conference said:
“I believe that the declared policy of the United States government should be overthrowing the present government in Iran which is a threat to international peace and security through its role as the world’s central banker of international terrorism, and through its two decade long pursuit of nuclear weapons. Perhaps the most important way in which the United States can encourage regime change is to get out of the way of legitimate Iranian opposition.”

With regards to the FTO listing of the MEK, Ambassador Bolton said: “those of us who have had the opportunity when in government to see information about the MEK have seen nothing that justifies its continued presence on the list of foreign terrorist organizations.”

As Judge Mukasey said in the same conference, the original listing in the late 1990s was in hopes of getting negotiations going with the regime in Tehran. That was a decision not based on facts, but on a political determination as to what could be accomplished.

Judge Mukasey clarified the reason for the smear campaign wheeled by Washington:
“Look at the timing. The MEK tells the State Department and the Justice Department, “You know, you’ve been dragging your feet long enough with this designation. We’re going to go into court.” They gave them not only advanced notice that they’re going to do it, they gave them an advanced copy of the papers they were going to file. And they disclosed the names of the people, telling them on the basis of our experience and our knowledge that there is no basis for that designation. And behold a couple days later subpoenas get served on the speaker agencies that send those people out to express their views. I stopped believing in coincidences like that when I stopped believing in the Tooth Fairy, and that was a long time ago.”

The FTO listing of the MEK, is a mere rejection of the “Right to be” not only as a people but as a set of values, found deep in the hearts of every individual American; the need to be “FREE”. It devours the essential right to life for many and is anti-human.

“Freedom” has been at the centre of all movement where tyrants rule. It is irrefutably immoral to join the song of the “tyrants” in Tehran in the gradual strangulation of the movement for “freedom”.

In the case of the MEK, the State department has taken precedence over all preserved “rights” and is acting above the law.

Its foot-dragging and failure to timely comply with the DC Court’s mandate is itself powerful evidence that the continued designation of PMOI as a foreign terrorist organization cannot be justified.

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Great Annual Gathering in Support of Camp Ashraf

• International gathering with presence of tens of thousands of Iranians and others in support of Camp Ashraf residents in Villepinte, near Paris, on Saturday, June 18 • Hundreds of prominent figures and dignitaries from five continents will participate • Call for immediate protection of Ashraf residents and offer of a permanent solution for Ashraf to the UN, US and EU The crisis in Camp Ashraf, where 3400 members of Iranian opposition are besieged, is deepening and attempts to find a solution have evolved into a pressing issue on both sides of Atlantic. Therefore, in a massive international event in Paris on Saturday, June 18, to be attended by tens of thousands of Iranians, members of the US Congress, parliamentary delegations from various EU member states and Arab countries, and scores of senior officials in the Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations will call for urgent measures by the UN, US and EU to protect Ashraf residents. Dozens of international dignitaries and former senior US officials will urge the US President, UN Secretary General and the EU High Representative to offer a long-term and peaceful solution to the Ashraf crisis, it was announced in a press briefing on the verge of this international event. The participants, while calling for an end to any appeasement of Iran’s clerical regime, will ask for adoption of the policy of regime change vis-à-vis the clerical regime and recognition of the Iranian Resistance.
. Date & Time: Saturday, June 18, 2011, at 3:30 pm Venue: Parc des Expositions de Paris-Nord-Villepinte, 93420 Villepinte French Committee for Secular and Democratic Iran Background information: On April 8, on the orders of Prime Minister Nouri-al-Maliki and at the behest of the Iranian regime, Iraqi forces massacred Ashraf residents, who are protected persons under Fourth Geneva Convention, killing 35 residents, and wounding 350. Iraqi military forces are still inside Ashraf, with one-third of the camp currently under Iraqi military occupation. The gathering on June 18 takes place eight years after the raid on the headquarters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran on June 17, 2003, in which 164 Iranian dissidents who are political refugees in France were arrested. Recently, the French judges officially annulled terror charges against officials and recognized that the PMOI (People’s Mujahedin of Iran) members are not terrorists but rather are members of a legitimate resistance. A majority of members of the French National Assembly recently signed a declaration recognizing the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Activists working for the Great Gathering ?Iran..UK..Belgium..

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